BRAD DOBLEBihler Chair in Stem Cell Research

  • Associate Professor, Dept. Pediatrics and Child Health
  • Associate Professor, Dept. Biochemistry and Medical Genetics
  • Member, Children's Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM)

Dr. Doble has a long-standing interest in cell, molecular, and developmental biology. He obtained his BSc (Hons) in Genetics and his PhD (Cardiovascular Cell Biology, Dept. Physiology) from the University of Manitoba. His doctoral research In Dr. Elissavet Kardami's lab focused on intercellular communication between cardiac cells. Dr. Doble's interest in stem cells emerged during his postdoctoral studies in Dr. Jim Woodgett's lab in Toronto, when he was introduced to techniques for manipulating the genome of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. By modifying the GSK-3ɑ and GSK-3β genes in ES cells, Dr. Doble was able to generate conditional knockout mice for these kinases, which have been shared with scientists world-wide and have yielded important new insights into the numerous functions of these critical enzymes.

Dr. Doble was fascinated with the relative ease with which targeted mutations could be introduced into mouse ES cells, which prompted him to generate double-knockokut mouse ES cells lacking both GSK-3 genes. Colonies of these cells displayed a striking inability to undergo trilineage differentiation, prompting Dr. Doble's strong, and enduring, interest in the
Wnt signaling pathway. Wnt signaling is essential for normal developmental and regulates a wide spectrum of stem cells. It is frequently dysregulated in several human diseases, of which the most studied is cancer. Dr. Doble established his independent research program at McMaster University as a Canada Research Chair in Stem Cell Signaling in 2006. Dr. Doble returned to his alma mater in July 2019 and is pursuing research that continues to focus on Wnt signaling and stem cell biology in normal and disease contexts. The Wnt subgroup of medulloblastoma, a pediatric brain cancer, is one disease context being studied in Dr. Doble's lab.

Lab Members


MSc Students

Mohammad Shokouhian, MSc MSc Student

Mohammad obtained his master's degree in Hematology from Iran University of Medical Sciences. He is pursuing NSERC-funded research focused on determining the mechanisms enabling the context-specific deployment of TCF/LEF transcription factors in differentiating stem cells as they commit to different fates.

Lab Members


PhD Students

Victor Gordon, PhD

Victor successfully defended his PhD thesis at the end of August, 2020. After working as a postdoc in the lab of Dr. Tamra Werbowetski- Ogilvie (U of M), Victor obtained a position with Thermo Fisher:

  • Scientist III - Thermo Fisher Scientific

  • Customer Success Manager, Amplitude systems

  • Canada - Greater Toronto Area

Steven Moreira, PhD

Steven graduated in 2018 and is currently working as a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Kristin Hope (University of Toronto / Princess Margaret Cancer Centre).

Kanwaldeep Singh, PhD

Kanwal graduated in mid-2019 and is currently working as a technician in the laboratory of Dr. Tobias Berg (McMaster University).

MSc Students

Le Phuong Bao Tram (Anna), MSc MSc Student

Anna obtained her BSc degree from International University – Vietnam National University and MSc degree from National Central University – Taiwan. She is fond of studies related to gene regulation, especially as pertaining to the control of stemness in embryonic stem cells and cancer stem cells.

Annie Cheng, MSc

Annie graduated in 2019 and is currently working as a technician in the lab of her MSc co-supervisor, Dr. Karun Singh, at the Krembil Brain Institute in Toronto (University of Toronto). She has recently (2022) been accepted into Med School at Western University.

Caleb Seo, MSc

Caleb graduated in 2019 and is now working as a Research Associate at BlueRock Therapeutics in Toronto.

Smarth Narula, MSc

Smarth graduated in 2019 and is now a medical editor at Klick Health in Mississauga, ON.

Solene Abdulla, MSc

Solene completed her MSc in 2017 and is now a strategic initiatives officer in the Office of Research Services at Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo, ON.

Sujeivan Mahendram, MD, MSc

Sujeivan graduated in 2013. After working as a technician in Dr. Sheila Singh's lab for 3 years, he went on to pursue a career as a physician. He recently graduated from Medical School and will be doing his residency in Anesthesiology at Wayne State University in Michigan.

Deborah Ng, PhD

Deb obtained her MSc in 2011 and completed her PhD in Dr. Brian Raught's lab in Toronto. She is now a Scientific Analyst at BenchSci.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Kevin Kelly, PhD

Kevin was a postdoc in the lab from 2008-2012. He is a Field Application Scientist for Thermo Fisher specializing in quantitative PCR instrumentation.


Shana Kahnamoui, MScTechnician

Shana was a vital member of the lab from September, 2019 until March 2020. She was fantastic at organizing my lab after its relocation to the U of M. She also generated some great ES cell differentiation data! She is now working as a technician for another lucky scientist, Dr. Chris Pascoe, at the Children's Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba.

Enio Polena, MSc

Enio was a technician in the Doble lab from 2012-2015. He is now, Senior Medical Writer at CMC Connect.

Melissa Coubrough, MSc, BHSc, RM

Melissa was a technician in the Doble Lab from 2006-2008 and is now a practicing registered midwife.

Undergraduate Project Students

First NameLast NameTerm in LabCurrent Position
HarshitaAgrawal2020-2021Recent Graduate
Nishtha Dayal2020-2021Recent Graduate
AbdulmateenAderinto2018-2019MASc Student, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto
PratikJoshi2018-2019PhD Student, Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto
JulieFothergill-Robinson2017-2018PhD Student, Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto
ScottPoortinga2017-2018Dentistry Student, University of Toronto
ChristopherHanna2016-2017Sales and Marketing Associate, AstraZeneca, Mississauga, ON
CrystalSu2016-2017Analyst Health Economics and Outcomes Research, BD, Toronto, ON
RaymondChen2015-2016PhD Student, Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto
SherryYang2014-2016Consultant with IQVIA, Toronto, ON
Thai-SonTang2014-2015PhD Student, Biostatistics, University of Toronto
VictorGordon2012-2013Scientist III and Customer Success Manager, Amplitude Systems, Thermo Fisher, Toronto
SabrinaPaez-Parent2011-2012Senior Marketing Associate , Amgen, Toronto, ON
GowthamJayakumaran2010-2011Senior Computational Biologist, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
RupinderMangat2010-2011Physician, Internal Medicine, Rochester, NY
JenniferKent2009-2010Medical Manager, ANTIBODY Healthcare Communications, Toronto, ON
AnisAbdelkhalig2008-2009Production Manager, Sanofi Pasteur, Toronto, ON